Skookum Wawa in native Chinook, translates to “strong or powerful words”.

We’ve created a sanctuary at Cascade Head for emerging and established Native American writers.

The Residency.

This residency will support emerging and established voices of the Native American community in the Western United States, with a focus on prose, poetry and journalism.

Origin Story

This residency is in honor of two extraordinary human beings: Don and Wyn Berry were an influential couple in the culture of the Pacific NW from the 1950’s through the 1970’s.

The Residency

A pair of individual one-month seasonal residencies in the Cascade Head Biosphere Region on the central Oregon Coast, during the Spring and Fall equinoxes. Included will be a beautiful home and work space, food costs and a generous stipend. 

The Lodging

A beautiful 2 bedroom home at the epicenter of the Biosphere Region, located at the edge of a Sitka Spruce forest with views, and a short walk to the Salmon River and Pacific shoreline.

The Biosphere & Humans

Respect for the original inhabitants of the Salmon River Valley: We are mindful that for many generations the Nechesne tribe has been in relationship with the Salmon River watershed and the area now designated as the Cascade Head Biosphere Region.

“Your opportunity-is to be as insightful and current with how things work now as your parents were in their day: keeping up with cultural changes, and seeing beyond them, anticipating where they are going. This project can be every bit as creative an endeavor as your dad’s novels and your mom’s journalism and photography. It’s a great chance, and a great most things worth doing.”

— A note regarding the residency from Oregon Poet Laureate Kim Stafford